Technology Advice from an Electronics Guru

When I was a teenager, I collected broken electronics and repaired them in my free time. I greatly enjoyed making broken electronics work again. However, as I performed research on how to fix new broken electronics I found, I became fascinated at how quickly technology was changing. While I still fix up broken electronics here and there in my free time, I enjoy learning about the latest technological advancements even more. It seems like there is always a new "gadget" on the market that helps solve a problem that many people have. I recently decided to create a blog to share my technology knowledge, tips, and research on, so come back often if you enjoy technology as much as I do!

How Can A Help Desk Department Support Your Business?

Technology Blog

Not all businesses need to hire their own Information Technology (IT) professional. Even when there is a need, it can be difficult to figure out what level of knowledge is needed for your specific tasks. There are multiple levels of support available both in-person and across the internet through remote services, and a few of these details can help you figure out what you need without over-tasking a novice or under-valuating an expert.

Understanding Help Desk Duties

In most businesses that need a dedicated help desk, technicians are responsible for a few of the following core duties:

  • Computer and peripheral installation.
  • Program installation.
  • Virus removal.
  • Software configuration.
  • File cleanup/system refreshing.
  • Computer hardware maintenance.

Although there are a few other tasks, they genuinely fall into the above categories. The help desk is basically a break/fix center for business computer systems, and can do its job with relatively simple training since these are considered entry level IT tasks.

When your business starts bringing in servers, complex routers that handle at least dozens of physical connections, or if your business is the target of technology attacks and scams, you need to look to specialists.

Which Specialists Do You Need?

Unless your business is based on creating technology, most businesses will only need to expand into the following specialties:

  • Networking.
  • Server administration.
  • Cybersecurity.

The networking department handles the router, networking cables, and the way that information is shared across the business. A share drive or network drive system that allows employees to save, edit, and share information across the entire business, and this kind of function comes from network administrators.

Server administration is a type of network administration, but focuses more on keeping a server working. Servers are computers that deliver or serve files across a network, and may require a lot of configuration to make the file sharing happen properly.

Specific programs run on these servers that facilitate in sharing, and some programs such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) phones or online games with payment systems need a combination of networking and computer system administration.

Cybersecurity is a discipline that has to cover all aspects of computing. Hacking is used incorrectly in many ways in popular culture and even news reporting, so to understand cybersecurity, you need to understand that hacking means finding a clever solution to a given problem.

It isn't about typing into black screens with green letters, inserting specialized discs or thumbdrives or any specific technique. Some hacks exploit bugs or problems in specific software, while others try to steal passwords. Cybersecurity professionals have to look through networking, software, hardware, and even ideas that come from employees in case a non-technical employee's great new idea is actual a scam from a hacker who wants to see how far a lie will go.

Contact a managed IT services professional to discuss the different IT support services that your company needs.


21 October 2017