Technology Advice from an Electronics Guru

When I was a teenager, I collected broken electronics and repaired them in my free time. I greatly enjoyed making broken electronics work again. However, as I performed research on how to fix new broken electronics I found, I became fascinated at how quickly technology was changing. While I still fix up broken electronics here and there in my free time, I enjoy learning about the latest technological advancements even more. It seems like there is always a new "gadget" on the market that helps solve a problem that many people have. I recently decided to create a blog to share my technology knowledge, tips, and research on, so come back often if you enjoy technology as much as I do!

Do You Need Software For Your Nanopositioning Stages?

Technology Blog

When equipping your lab with updated equipment and supplies, you may be keen to get nanopositioners but not be sure whether you need new software to accompany them. Why consider it?

1 Software Saves Time

Operating any kind of machine on a nanometer scale requires almost inhuman amounts of precision. Predicting where one particle can be from one moment to the next is difficult, even if you've mastered the kinds of calculations necessary to do those predictions accurately. If you make a mistake, you end up having to redo calculations and wait even longer to pinpoint where particles could be. 

Software for your nanopositioners will eliminate a lot of this work. Calculations are completed almost instantaneously and you can spend efforts on other research work. You might be surprised at how much software can do to make your lab work easier.

In fact, to ensure that software does make life better for your work with nanopositioners, it's essential to seek out the nanopositioning software which is suited to your day to day activities. For instance, software that works for research applications isn't necessarily the optimal software for motherboards and electronic devices.

2. Software Eliminates Clumsiness

You may feel fine about handling the smaller parts of your machines. However, you probably have already experienced how clumsy people can be when it comes to instruments that work with the nanopositioner. Even the most elegant of persons can experience hardship when being tasked with moving the controller manually. They may be too slow or not move close enough to particles when it's critical.

Software can interact with and control the movements of the controller in the nanopositioning systems you're working with. This enhances your accuracy. Just be certain the controller matches up well with the types of nanopositioners you have. Your software is likely to be somewhat ineffective if the controller is not the right one for the stage. For instance, if your nanopositioner works in the X, Y and Z axes,  the controller needs to incorporate three channels for separate messages that can be communicated to and from the software.

Nanopositioning software might seem like a luxury but can play an essential role in your work. Try software demos and ask for training modules so you can do some testing and ensure your software choices are sound. You might request peers try out the software you're most interested in before purchasing; their feedback can support a a final decision


15 November 2017